Who Are We?

EspoirWeb is The Environmental Management Agency is a statutory body responsible for ensuring the sustainable management of natural resources and protection of the environment, the prevention of pollution and environmental degradation, the preparation of Environmental Plans for the management and protection of the environment. It was established under the Environmental Management Act [Chapter 20:27] and enacted in 2022.

Our Goal

It aims to achieve and implement the tasks and responsibilities entrusted to the authority as stipulated in the general environment system and its executive regulations in a manner that ensures the preservation

protection and development of the environment, prevention of pollution from it, and the development and improvement of the health and quality of life of citizens and residents in the Kingdom by working to protect the environment and prevent pollution from it and achieve a pollution-free environment. Establishing procedures, rules and foundations for all work related to environmental protection.

Our tasks

Preparing plans and programs and defining general policies and objectives that achieve the protection and maintenance of the environment.
Set environmental standards and criteria for all types of pollution sources in the surrounding environment and follow up on the procedures for their implementation.

Issuing licenses and certificates for all kinds of the Authority’s work after completing the necessary procedures by the competent departments of the Authority.

Evaluating environmental variables on natural resources on a regular basis and relying on historical information, records and scientific studies.

Develop the general strategy for chemical safety, hazardous waste and radioactive contamination and prepare their implementation plans.

Carrying out inspection campaigns and inflicting penalties and violations stipulated in the General Environmental Regulation.
Coordinating programs and plans to achieve sustainable development in coastal and marine areas, following up on the national plan for managing coastal areas, and preparing executive procedures in coordination with the relevant authorities.

Issuing instructions and directives related to environmental protection and sustainable development and providing support and technical advice to the relevant authorities.